• We won't be going to Erickson's RV again. I can't recommend them for service. They do carry a lot of parts and if that's all you need you probably won't be disappointed. We took our rig to them...
    We won't be going to Erickson's RV again. I can't recommend them for service. They do carry a lot of parts and if that's all you need you probably won't be disappointed. We took our rig to them because of a sewer system problem. Their technician called us and explained what was needed an gave us a price. We said to go ahead with the work. Later than day we got another call and we were told that "everyone met together including the owner and they don't want to do the job because of it being summer and they are too busy." We were not in a rush for the rig to be done and we felt that they were not being 100% honest with us. We also had asked them to fix the awning. We described the problem and were told that it would take two new springs and 2 or 3 hours labor for a total of $500.00. After refusing to do the sewer repair they asked if we wanted them to fix the awning. We declined. Turns out that the springs just need to be rewound at a cost of about $100.00.
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