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  • Our RV ac was freezing up. Barry came out to look at it. Convinced us to replace and upgrade out ac unit. The very next day, the ac froze up again. My husband called and called again the following...
    Our RV ac was freezing up. Barry came out to look at it. Convinced us to replace and upgrade out ac unit. The very next day, the ac froze up again. My husband called and called again the following day. Barry never returned the call. I called and he said he would get back with me. Days later, I called again. He asked for some numbers off the packaging forms. I gave them to him. A week later, I call him again. Needless to say, it's been over a month, and we haven't seen or heard from Mr. Strickland. Apparently, and unfortunately, he doesn't back his work. What a shame!
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  • Mr. & Mrs. Anderson just registered on the site
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