Jellystone Park Hagerstown - Williamsport, MD - Yogi Bear's Jellystone

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Welcome to Jellystone Park Hargerstown
Imagine the whole family racing down the 400 ft waterslides or playing a game of volleyball in the pool. Maybe you’d like to have your family picture taken with Yogi Bear™ or play a game of “Down & Dirty” kickball. How about cooking dinner over a campfire? In the evening, you can practice your putting on our 18 hole mini-golf course, kick up your heels at the dance or just sit back and enjoy our outdoor movie theater. Whatever you choose, rest assured that at the end of the day, you’ll have lots of new family memories.  Yogi Bear’s Jellystone Park™ in Williamsport, Maryland is a family RV and cabin resort. Whether your idea of camping means all the amenities of home in a forty foot motorhome or getting back to nature in a cozy tent, we have campsites to accommodate your needs. If a cabin is more your style, we have plenty of options, from rustic to luxury.



Within Facility
+Cabins and Cottages
+400 ft. water slides
+Ranger’s Revenge and Picnic Plunge
+22,400+ square feet of pool and patio space, including an interactive pool with a beach entry full of bubblers
+8 ft Raindrop
+built-in seating for adults with hydro-therapy jets
+fountain jets that spray across the width of the pool
+volleyball nets
+Jumping Pillow
+Gaga Ball Pit
+Cindy 500 Speedway
+Lazer Tag
+Basketball courts
+Arts & Crafts Center
+Book a Bear Party
+Pet Corral
+Camp Store
+Jellystone Park™ Sunset Theater
+Peggy’s Pond
+Cindy Bear Pavilion
+Yogi Bear™ Pavilion
+Bath Houses

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