Iron Horse State Park - Easton, WA - Washington State Parks

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Welcome to Iron Horse State Park
Iron Horse State Park Trail is a 1,612-acre park that was once part of the path of the Chicago-Milwaukee-St. Paul-Pacific Railroad. More than 100 miles of trail extends from Cedar Falls to the Columbia River. High trestles provide spectacular views of the valley below.


Within Facility
ADA Amenities/Facilities
Hiking trail
110 miles of biking trails
110 miles of hiking trails
110 miles of horse trails
Water Activities & Features
Freshwater fishing
Winter Activities & Features
Cross-country skiing
Dog sledding
Bird watching
Mountain biking
Rock climbing
Wildlife viewing

Interpretive Opportunities
Kiosks and panels are installed at Hyak, Easton, South Cle Elum, Thorp, and Kittitas with a map of the trail and interpretive information.

Additional Information
The 100-mile-long John Wayne Pioneer Trail meanders through a variety of ecosystems and geological zones.
No motorized vehicles are allowed on the trail with the exception of snowmobiles in winter, which are allowed from Stampede Pass Road to Cabin Creek.
Horse-drawn wagon users must obtain a gate combination access agreement from Lake Easton State Park.
Winter sport opportunities are available. A Sno-Park permit is required from Dec. 1 - March 31. A Discover Pass is also needed with a one-day Sno-Park Permit. For more information, call 509-656-2230.
A recreational license is required for fishing and shellfish harvesting at Washington state parks. For regulations, fishing season information, or to purchase a recreational license, visit the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife.

Campsite Information
There are four campgrounds along the trail, each with three to four campsites, one picnic table, and a vault toilet. They are located at milepost 2109.5 at Roaring Creek, milepost 2113.2 at Cold Creek, milepost 2123.2 at Carter Creek, and milepost 2127.1 at Alice Creek. Camping is also available near the trail at U.S. Forest Service campgrounds at Tinkham, Denny Creek, Lake Kachess, and Crystal Springs. There is state park camping at Lake Easton and Wanapum.

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