Shot Tower State Park - Foster Falls, VA - Virginia State Parks

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Welcome to Shot Tower State Park
Overlooking the New River, Shot Tower was built more than 200 years ago to make ammunition for the firearms of the early settlers. Lead from the nearby Austinville Mines was melted in a kettle atop the 75-foot tower and poured through a sieve, falling through the tower and an additional 75-foot shaft beneath the tower into a kettle of water. Guests may ascend the tower, which is on the National Register of Historic Places. Interpretive signs provide details on the tower. Grounds are open from dawn until dusk. The parking lot is open year-round. The tower is open occasionally on weekends in the summer. Group tours are also available. Call the office at 276-699-6778 for details. Primitive camping is available about .2 miles along New River Trail. Call 800-933-7275 to make reservations.


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Nature/Cultural Programs
Picnic Tables

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