New Discovery State Park - Marshfield, VT - Vermont State Parks

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Welcome to New Discovery State Park
As early as 1704, Native Americans and the French were using routes through Groton to reach Canada and Massachusetts. Colonists settled this area of Vermont slightly earlier than the rest of the state through the accessible network of waterways.The rocky, tree covered hillsides were originally cloaked with white pine, spruce, hemlock, beech, maple and birch. These were logged by local farmers for lumber, fuel and potash. The logging industry was large-scale for almost 100 years while the railroad was operating. Today, logging is still a vital industry in the area, but has lost some of its dominance in favor of modern society’s leisure time movement - private cottages/seasonal homes and a variety of outdoor recreation activities.


Within Facility
Horseshoe Pit
Picnic pavilions

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