Martin Dies, Jr. State Park - Jasper, TX - Texas State Parks

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Martin Dies, Jr. State Park
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Welcome to Martin Dies, Jr. State Park
Located on the northern edge of the Big Thicket, and at the forks of the Angelina and Neches rivers, lies an extraordinary ecosystem with extreme biodiversity. Martin Dies, Jr. State Park is comprised of approximately 730 acres and three state park units:  the Cherokee Unit in Tyler County and the Henhouse Ridge and Walnut Ridge Units in Jasper County. The park is situated alongside the 10,687-acre B.A. Steinhagen Reservoir and offers many campsites adjacent to the lake or one of several sloughs that meander through the park. The northern half of the lake and surrounding lands near the forks of the two rivers make up the Angelina-Neches/Dam B Wildlife Management Area (WMA). Between the WMA, the lake, the rivers and the state park, there are endless opportunities to explore this one-of-a-kind East Texas treasure. If you’re looking to experience the forest country of East Texas, Martin Dies, Jr. State Park is the place. The park offers a wide variety of camping and recreational opportunities. Activities include camping, hiking and biking, fishing, boating, paddling, stargazing, swimming, wildlife viewing and birding, nature study and just plain ole relaxing.


Within Facility
Campsites with Water and Electric (50-amp)
Campsites with Water and Electric (30-amp)
Campsites with Water
Limited Use Cabins
Shelters with A/C
Screened Shelters
Group Hall with Kitchen
Paddling Trails
Boat Ramps
Fishing Ramps
Bike Rentals
Boat Rentals
Hiking and Biking Trails

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