Lake Arrowhead State Park - Wichita Falls, TX - Texas State Parks

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1 review
Lake Arrowhead State Park
(Updated: April 19, 2018)
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Welcome to Lake Arrowhead State Park
The park offers fishing, lake swimming on an unsupervised beach, water skiing, disc golf, picnicking, camping, nature study, hiking, horseback riding and boating. This site offers approximately five miles of multiuse trails on approximately 300 acres that are open to hikers as well as riders. The trails pass over grassy, flat terrain. Each of the four campsites has water, electricity, a picnic table, a fire ring, a tie rail and a picket line. Parking and restrooms are available near the group building. Restrooms with showers are located at the central campgrounds. Visitors must provide their own horses. The park has a limited amount of binoculars and bird books to loan to visitors. This park participates in the Angler Education "Tackle Loaner Program"; individuals can borrow rods, reels and tackle boxes with hooks, sinkers and bobbers. Educational programs available at the park include Hunter Education, Fishing Education Programs, Project Learning Tree, Project Wild, Aquatic Wild, Texas Rare and Wild, Adopt a Wetland, and Buffalo Soldiers community education outreach programs. Teachers can obtain continuing education credits for attending many of these programs. All educational programs must be scheduled through the park headquarters and require a minimum of 10 participants in order to conduct the training.


Within Facility
Campsites (Basic)
Campsites with Water and Electricity
Equestrian Campsites with Water and Electricity
Walk-in Group Primitive Area
Group Picnic Pavillion
Water Skiing
Disc Golf
Equestrian Trails
Swimming Beach
Ranger Programs
Tackle Loaner Program

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