Bentsen-Rio Grande Valley State Park - Mission, TX - Texas State Parks

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Bentsen-Rio Grande Valley State Park
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Welcome to Bentsen-Rio Grande Valley State Park
As part of the World Birding Center, Bentsen-Rio Grande Valley State Park is a world-class destination for bird-watching. The Rio Grande Valley hosts one of the most spectacular convergences of birds on earth with more than 525 species documented in this unique place. Bentsen-Rio Grande Valley State Park alone has an impressive list of 358 species recorded within the park’s boundaries. Birders have a chance to see migratory birds during their yearly migrations over the valley including flocks of thousands of hawks from the park’s Hawk Tower in the spring and fall. Some birders travel to the Bentsen to see bird species they can’t find anyplace else in the country--from the Green Jay and the Buff-bellied Hummingbird to the Great Kiskadee and the Altamira Oriole. The visitor center has a bilingual (English/Spanish) exhibit hall, gift shop, meeting room and administrative offices--all surrounded by butterfly gardens and hummingbird feeders. Visitors can take our tram shuttle, ride bikes or walk through the park. A two-story high Hawk Observation Tower with a 210-foot-long wheelchair-accessible ramp gives visitors a bird’s-eye view of the canopy as well as a peek into Mexico. Two enclosed bird blinds and a birding wall allow visitors to see birds up close and watch their behaviors. Over eight miles of trails with bird feeding stations and water features offer a variety of opportunities to encounter wildlife inside the park.


Within Facility
+ Tent Only Camping
+ Family Friendly
+ Restrooms
+ Group Meeting Room
+ Visitors Center
+ Exhibit Hall
+ Observation Tower
+ Trails
+ Bike Rentals

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