Central Park of Haines City - Haines City, FL - Sun Resorts

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Welcome to Central Park of Haines City
Truly a Camper's Haven with 351 Spaces situated on wide, tree shaded streets offer overnight, seasonal or annual RV living. Residents may tie down units, adding glass or screen rooms as space permits or purchase a permanent 12-wide park model built to your specifications. Central Park of Haines City is within the city limits of Haines City, Florida. Equidistant from both east and west coasts of Florida. You will discover plenty to like about the Heart of Florida area. We're famous for our moderate winter temperatures, which encourage outside recreation. Haines City has a population of 12,771 (1990 Census). An estimated 30,000 visitors spend all or part of the winters in Northeast Polk County. Over fifty churches dot the city, and most civic groups and well-known organizations are represented. Residents qualify for a free card at the city's 35,000 volume public library. Four major shopping centers serve the area within a 12 mile radius, and numerous small shops are located in the unique Historic Downtown District of Haines City.


Within Facility
Central Park Camper's Haven has a large activity center centrally located with a spacious clubhouse, shuffleboard courts, horseshoe pits, Bocce courts and heated swimming pool. Two bathhouses and laundry facilities are provided. Planned activities and functions such as bingo, cards, crafts, theater and shopping trips, pancakes, and ice cream socials are exciting pastimes enjoyed by all.
Many of our residents have been coming to Central Park seasonally for years, and some have become permanent year-round residents. We are indeed a community of friendly, happy residents waiting to welcome you.

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