Woods Bay State Park - Olanta, SC - South Carolina State Parks

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Welcome to Woods Bay State Park
Woods Bay State Park offers a close-up look at one of the last remaining large Carolina Bays on the Mid-Atlantic Coastal Plain. The 1,590-acre park, located in the coastal plains region, features a wide range of habitats including marsh, sandhills, oak-hickory forest and shrub bog. The habitats of Woods Bay can be explored by taking the nature trail encircling the mill pond or by walking the length of the 1,150 foot boardwalk, which provides views of alligators in the cypress tupelo swamp.  The best way to see the park is by following a canoe trail which takes paddlers past the Carolina Bays, elliptical depressions which appear swampy but remain dry.


Within Facility
+From standard tent and RV sites with water and electricity to camping alongside a trail at Caesars Head State Park, the state parks offer a variety of camping experiences for all types and levels of campers. Peruse our camping page for the different camping experiences that our parks offer. Once you have found the experience that fits you, match up the park that can best accommodate you and your camping group. South Carolina State Parks have more than 220 cabins and lodging facilities, and 3,000 campsites

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