Landsford Canal State Park - Catawba, SC - South Carolina State Parks

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Welcome to Landsford Canal State Park
Stretched along the Catawba River on the South Carolina fall line, Landsford Canal State Park is home to the well-preserved remains of the canal system that made the river commercially navigable from 1820 to 1835. The Catawba River is home to the largest known stand of the rocky shoals spider lilly, a flower species found predominantly in the Southeast. Peak bloom season for the rocky shoals spider lily is during May and June. Favorite activities in this Piedmont park include picnicking, nature watching and studying the canal structures. Fishing is permitted along the Catawba River, and a paddling trail runs through the park for canoes and kayaks. Want more paddling? Check out the Edisto River Canoe and Kayak Trail at Colleton State Park. 


Within Facility
Picnic Shelters
Bird Watching
Interpretive Trails

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