Lake Warren State Park - Hampton, SC - South Carolina State Parks

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Welcome to Lake Warren State Park
Nestled in Lowcountry South Carolina, Lake Warren State Park provides plenty of amenities for a day spent outdoors. The Hampton County park boasts a floodplain forest and other large tracts of wetlands and woodlands that are home to a wide variety of plants and animals.  Find prime South Carolina freshwater fishing and boating on 200-acre Lake Warren. The park also has a two-acre fishing pond for more great South Carolina freshwater fishing, two nature trails, picnic facilities, playground equipment and all the setting needed for an ideal day at the park in the Lowcountry South Carolina’s woodlands.  Find other state parks with great South Carolina lakes and enjoy more boating and fishing! 


Within Facility
Fishing Boat Rentals
Picnic Shelters
Bird Watching
Interpretive Trails

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