Colleton State Park - Walterboro, SC - South Carolina State Parks

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Colleton State Park
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Welcome to Colleton State Park
A paddler’s paradise, this Lowcountry park sits a short distance from I-95 and connects to Givhans Ferry State Park via 21 miles of blackwater river.  Colleton State Park provides easy access to the Edisto River, one of the longest free flowing, blackwater rivers in the country, and serves as the headquarters for the Edisto River canoe and kayak trail.  Other amenities at Colleton include an easy nature trail, a campground, picnic shelters and ballfields. Pets are allowed in most outdoor areas provided they are kept under physical restraint or on a leash not longer than six feet. Owners will be asked to remove noisy or dangerous pets or pets that threaten or harass wildlife. Pets are not allowed in or around lodging facilities.


Within Facility
1 Edisto River - one of the longest free-flowing blackwater rivers in the U.S. - access for canoeing, kayaking, fishing and more - with 21 miles of river connecting Colleton and Givhans Ferry state parks
35 awesome acres of parkland for you to explore
25 campsites for RVs or tent camping
1 primitive camping area for boy scouts or other organized groups
.3-mile Cypress Swamp Trail for walking and exploring
1 ballfield and volleyball area so you and your group can get your game on

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