Caesars Head State Park - Cleveland, SC - South Carolina State Parks

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Welcome to Caesars Head State Park
A granitic gneiss outcropping atop the dramatic Blue Ridge Escarpment gives Caesars Head State Park its name. Every fall, from the easily-accessible overlook atop the rocky peak of the Blue Ridge Escarpment, sight-seers are treated to the Hawk Watch program and a spectacular view that extends into North Carolina and Georgia. Caesars Head connects to Jones Gap State Park in what is known as the Mountain Bridge Wilderness Area, an 11,000-acre area of pristine southern mountain forest.  Hikers can take a number of loop and traverse hiking trails that connect the parks, and trailside camping is available for those who choose the longer routes. One of the most popular trails at Caesars Head is the two-mile Raven Cliff Falls trail. This hiking trail leads to 420-foot Raven Cliff Falls, where a suspension bridge offers one of the two publicly accessible overlooks to the falls as they plunge deep into the mountain cove below.


Within Facility
1 awesome overlook where you can see clear to Greenville on a beautiful day
1 Devils Kitchen - you've got to find out the story
Over 34 miles of challenging hiking trails
A 420-foot cascading waterfall - Raven Cliff Falls
Access to 5 other waterfalls
24 primitive, backcountry campsites
A park that's perched 3,208 feet above sea level
Thousands of migrating hawks that fly-by each year from Sept.1 - Nov. 30
7,467 magnificent acres preserved and protected for you

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