Whitney Lake - Clifton, TX - RV Parks

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Welcome to Whitney Lake
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth District welcomes you to Whitney Lake, in Central Texas. Whitney Lake is located on the main stem of the Brazos River. The Whitney Lake Dam and Powerhouse are located approximately 5.5 miles southwest of Whitney, Texas,30 miles north of Waco, Texas, and 65 miles southwest of Fort Worth, Texas.

Whitney Lake is part of the Three Rivers Region in the Fort Worth District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Over two million people visit Whitney Lake each year to enjoy camping, fishing, boating, water skiing, hunting, sight-seeing, and much more.


Within Facility
Shaded Sites
Pull Thru
Over 35 Ft.
Water Hookup | Dump Station
30 Amp | 50 Amp
Restrooms | Showers
Grill at Site
Tent Camping | Secluded Camping
Pets Welcome | Clubs Welcome | Big Rigs Welcome
Reservations Accepted
Swimming Lake/Stream etc.
Hiking Trails
Boat Ramp
Horse Trails | Horse Campground

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