Wanapitei - Temagami, ON - RV Parks

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Welcome to Wanapitei Campgrounds
The Wanapitei campgrounds are situated on 42 acres of mixed pine and deciduous forest on the north shore of Lake Temagami. A two-kilometer stretch of white, sandy beach is perfect for playing and swimming and campers can have their first taste of river canoeing on the Red Squirrel River which flows through the middle of camp. The picturesque Red Squirrel Falls are only a short hike away and the camp is an easy departure point for many beautiful hiking trails and thousands of kilometers of flat and white water canoe routes.

While at camp, campers are accommodated in cabins which house between eight and 10 children. Parents are welcome to stay at the Wanapitei Chateau, a heritage two-story log cabin that boasts a truly lovely view of the lake from its many porches and balconies. In our historical dining hall, our chefs provide hearty, nutritious and delicious meals that will satisfy any camper’s appetite. Vegetarian meals are available upon request. A medical person is on site at all times.


Within Facility
+ Beach swimming – GORGEOUS white sandy beach – the most sought after beach in the Temagami Region
+ Raft swimming – we have a great raft and a slide
+ Paddling – on Lake Temagami and on the Red Squirrel River
+ Sailing – in our Laser Pico’s
+ Archery
+ Arts & Crafts – large variety from tie dye to natural crafts, beading, hemp etc.
+ Square Dances – a tradition of over 75 years with a professional caller
+ Themed evening activities
+ Running Games (Capture the Flag, Predator Prey, Mission Impossible etc.)
+ Campfire programs (our campfire pit faces west for beautiful sunsets)
+ Camp-wide Regatta – on the last day of camp – a theme day with characters and healthy competition

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