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  • Three Springs Ministries Inc - Morris, PA - RV Parks

Three Springs Ministries Inc - Morris, PA - RV Parks

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Welcome to Three Springs Ministries
The ministry has two Christian Camp and Retreat centers offering year 'round camps and retreats for all ages ministering to students, adults and leaders from various denominational backgrounds. Three Springs Farms offers summer residential and horse camps, adventure trips, fall-winter-spring retreats. We also host retreats for adults at The Linck Hill Inn. Uniquely, the ministry also hosts groups that plan and conduct their own summer camps and retreats.The region which we serve includes all of Pennsylvania, as well as parts of New York, New Jersey, and Maryland. Living in the "world culture" has never been easy, and we find ourselves in historically challenging times. Our world continues to undergo significant changes. Youth growing up in this culture are navigating seemingly uncharted waters. This cultural change, combined with the frenzied pace, only increases the need for times of retreat, focus, challenge, and rest. Most importantly, retreats and camp experiences are a time to hear from God, seems increasingly difficult to do in the midst of the noise and commotion of everyday life.Three Springs Ministries acknowledges and understands this changing world, and we are committed to serving those who are living under the pressures of this complex cultural change. Join in on one of our experiences, retreats, camps, or bring a group and plan your own retreat. We would love to have you come, see and experience our location, our facilities, our outdoor activities and our caring staff. We are excited about our ministry and look forward in serving you in your walk with Christ!


Within Facility
+ Youth camps and retreats
+ Horse camps and activities
+ Adventure trips
+ Ladies' and men's retreats
+ Couple's retreats
+ Leadership retreats
+ Youth group and college activities
+ Post-high school bridge year
+ Coach bus transportation
+ School field trips
+ Horse-drawn sleigh rides
+ Horse-drawn hay rides
+ Horseback riding
+ Tractor-drawn hay rides
+ Mountain biking
+ Hiking
+ Canoeing
+ Swimming
+ Skiing (Local Ski Resort)
+ Snow tubing (TSM and Local Ski Resort)
+ Ice skating
+ Broomball
+ Challenge course - Low ropes
+ Climbing wall (indoor)
+ Bouldering wall (indoor)
+ Soccer
+ Ping-pong and pool
+ Fishing
+ Outdoor basketball
+ Air hockey
+ Playground
+ Archery
+ Softball
+ Volleyball
+ Foosball
+ Human foosball (indoor)

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