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  • San Clemente State Beach - San Clemente, CA - RV Parks

San Clemente State Beach - San Clemente, CA - RV Parks

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Contact Info

Welcome to San Clemente State Beach
Since 1937 San Clemente has been one of the most popular beaches in California. A dramatic setting and invigorating air satisfy its many visitors, whatever their interest, energy level or state of mind. The mile- long beach stretches between the curling ocean surf and the foot of a steep bluff. Midway between Los Angeles and San Diego, the park attracts water sports enthusiasts and those seeking respite from the inland heat or an escape from nearby metropolitan areas.  “San Clemente, world’s best climate,” the slogan of the adjacent town of San Clemente, also describes San Clemente State Beach. Daytime temperatures are in the 60s and 70s almost year-round, while evening temperatures generally hover between the 40s and 50s. Rainfall comes primarily between December and March.


Within Facility
Body Surfing
Board Surfing
Surf Fishing
Nature Trails
Campfire Programs
Junior Ranger Programs

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