• RV Parks
  • Roaring Brook Campground - Stafford Springs, CT - RV Parks

Roaring Brook Campground - Stafford Springs, CT - RV Parks

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Contact Info

Welcome to Roaring Brook Campground
A jewel in the hills of Stafford Springs, Roaring Brook Campground offers families an opportunity to own their own personal camp site. It's easy to unwind at Roaring Brook, from swimming, horseshoes, basketball or bingo, camping has never been more fun! Enjoy one of our many planned social events, or a home cooked meal in our country store, there is something for everyone. Roaring Brook is family friendly, meticulously maintained and we offer all of the amenities you would expect of a five star resort.


Within Facility
+ Recreation Center
+ Complimentary Wi-Fi
+ Playgrounds
+ Swimming Pool
+ Country Restaurant and Store
+ Restrooms
+ Gate Control and Security
+ Bocce
+ Horseshoes
+ Basketball
+ Nature Trails
+ Pavilion
+ Baseball Field
+ Pool
+ Fishing
+ Recreation Hall
+ Beach
+ LP Gas
+ Ice
+ 50 Amp Service
+ Water Hookup
+ Sewer Hookup
+ Cable TV

Any and all photos on this listing were provided and approved by this business. Permissions were received to use these photos to promote the business.