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  • Rancho Valley - El Cajon, CA - RV Parks

Rancho Valley - El Cajon, CA - RV Parks

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Welcome to Rancho Valley
Surrounded by scenic rolling hills, Rancho Valley is located in El Cajon, California, just 20 miles inland from beautiful San Diego. The community offers a variety of amenities and close proximity to nearby attractions including Sea World, the world famous San Diego Zoo, and Qualcom Stadium, home of the San Diego Padres and San Diego Chargers. Medical services, shopping, theatres, and restaurants are located less than five minutes from the community and public transportation services are available at the entrance to the community.

El Cajon is a city in San Diego County, California. Nestled in a valley surrounded by mountains, the city has acquired the nickname of "The Big Box"  Its name originated similarly, from the Spanish phrase "el cajón", which means "the big box" or "the drawer." 
El Cajon, the Spanish words for "the box," was first recorded on September 10, 1821, as an alternative name for sitio rancho Santa Mónica, describing the "boxed in" nature of the valley in which it sat. The name appeared on maps in 1873 and 1875 as shortened to just "Cajon" until the modern town developed where the post office was named "Elcajon." In 1905, the name was once again expanded to "El Cajon" when California banker and historian, Zoeth Skinner Eldredge, insisted that the words be separated. 



Within Facility
140 Sites
Game Room
On Site Management
Pets Allowed
Picnic Area
RV Storage
Swimming Pool
Whirlpool-Spa-Hot Tub

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