• RV Parks
  • Millerton Lake State Recreation Area - Friant, CA - RV Parks

Millerton Lake State Recreation Area - Friant, CA - RV Parks

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Welcome to Millerton Lake State Recreation Area
Millerton Lake State Recreation Area is located in the heart of California, near the southernmost end of the Mother Lode gold region. Here, where the San Joaquin River flows out of the Sierra Nevada foothills and into the Central Valley, the 319-foot- tall Friant Dam was built across the river canyon in 1944 to form Millerton Lake. One of the most popular recreation areas in the San Joaquin Valley, the lake’s 47 miles of shoreline are a magnet for families seeking high-quality recreational opportunities.
Summer temperatures can pass 100 degrees, so hikers should always carry drinking water. October brings a pleasant 50 to 80 degrees. In the spring, when sailing regattas and water skiers start to fill the lake, temperatures range from 40 to 65 degrees.


Within Facility
Hiking and Bicycling
Boat Camping

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