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  • Lake Josephine Rv Resort - Sebring, FL - RV Parks

Lake Josephine Rv Resort - Sebring, FL - RV Parks

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Contact Info

Welcome To Lake Josephine RV Resort
Lake Josephine RV Resort is the premier tourist destination in Sebring, Florida for adventurous families in search of sun-kissed relaxation spots and tranquil fishing sessions. As an independently owned RV park and campground since 1977, we have developed a myriad of fun activities for the whole family with all of the amenities you could dream of directly on-site, including hot showers and local Wi-Fi hotspots.

Since we're open year-round, we cater to different kinds of guests that visit us for the spectacular vistas during the summer and the breathtaking wilderness during the winter.

Lake Josephine RV Resort is primarily known to local residents as one of the greatest places to fish for large mouth bass, channel catfish and brook trout because of its crystal clear waters. As a guest, we welcome you to try and match some of the fishing records held by our local residents and seasonal reservists.

If fishing on a beautiful summer's day until nightfall does not sound like a slice of heaven to you, you can trust Lake Josephine RV Resort to offer activities suited to your interests. For some of our guests, this means a quiet time getting lost in worlds of fantasy thanks to our extensive book collection. For others, it's all about showing off your skills at a game of billiards or darts at our newly renovated clubhouse.


Within Facility

• Free access to all of our amenities when you decide to stay with us. This means you can spend your days in our newly expanded library, playing bingo and other card games in the clubhouse or even renting a boat for fishing.
• Access to 24-hour restroom facilities complete with hot showers and access to 24-hour laundry services for clean clothes.
• On-site propane services to refill your supply without having to travel outside the park to get what you need for heating.
• Internet access and Wi-Fi support so that you can continue to meet your business obligations while enjoying nature.
• Access to our car washing and pet washing stations to clean the sweet smell of the wilderness off your property and furry friends.
Our rates at Lake Josephine RV Resort are incredibly competitive and can be arranged for daily, weekly, or monthly visits so don’t delay and call today!

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