• RV Parks
  • Greensboro Campgrounds - Greensboro, NC - RV Parks

Greensboro Campgrounds - Greensboro, NC - RV Parks

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Contact Info

Welcome to Greensboro Campground
The folks at Greensboro Campground welcome you to our city and to our campground! Whatever your plans, whatever your destination, we want your stopover here to be a pleasant and enjoyable diversion from the road that led you here!

We've been here for a good long while now. Throughout this period, we have made it our goal to take as good care of our guests as possible, providing amenities and comforts desired in a warm, friendly atmosphere...good old Southern Hospitality, if you will...

Going North, South, East or West?

The roads to Greensboro take you through some fine Carolina landscapes...pastoral sites, old barns, rolling hills, clean towns and cities. Our Guests come from all over and they are headed to numerous destinations. But they all have one thing in common...a stopover here with us in our town. Land of ACC basketball (BIGTIME!), a PGA Tour event, the Furniture Capital of the World, great golf courses and so much more! Wherever you're going, wherever you've been, remember the Greensboro Campground. It is our distinct pleasure to accommodate you as you savor our town and our State's delights!


Within Facility
Shaded Sites
Pull Thru Over 35 Ft.
Water Hookup | Sewer Hookup | Dump Station
Electric 30 Amp | 50 Amp
LP Gas
Restrooms | Showers | Laundry
Rental Cabins
Pets Welcome | Clubs Welcome | Big Rigs Welcome
Reservations Accepted
Swimming Pool

Any and all photos on this listing were provided and approved by this business. Permissions were received to use these photos to promote the business.