• RV Parks
  • Earhart Campground - Bristol, TN - RV Parks

Earhart Campground - Bristol, TN - RV Parks

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Earhart Campground
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Contact Info

Welcome to Earhart Campground
The campground offers more than 100 acres of camping and parking. We have plenty of camping available and have rarely filled up. Camping locations are decided on a first-come, first-served basis. Campsite sizes are approximately 30 to 40 feet long and 18 feet wide to allow room for awnings. Vehicles with a permit are allowed to park at your campsite, providing they DO NOT obstruct roads. Get above the noise and congestion and enjoy the view of Bristol Motor Speedway from a premier camping location. Earhart Ridges is located directly across from Bristol Motor Speedway on Highway 11E. The campsites are separated into four levels. Sites must be paid for in full prior to the race. Prices are for the entire week. It doesn't matter if you come on Sunday or Friday – we charge the same rate, so come early and stay with us a while and enjoy your trip to Bristol!


Within Facility
+ Reserved and non reserved camping
+ 100 acres of camping and parking
+ Visa, Mastercard and Discover accepted
+ 24-hour professional security and off-duty police onsite
+ Radio communication between entrance gates enables faster action in case of emergency
+ Information tents
+ Free wireless internet where available
+ Don's and Davis Sanitation will pump for a fee. Office: (423) 246-9715
+ Cox Disposal will make daily trash pickups. Please place bags along road
+ Recycling-please place recycle bags along road for pickup Friday morning
+ Shower houses ($5 per shower or $20 for week)

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