Camp-A-Way - Lincoln, NE - RV Parks

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Contact Info

Welcome to Camp A Way
By listening to you, visiting other great campgrounds across the nation, and consulting with the best hospitality minds in the business, we’re continually making improvements in our park and service. At Camp A Way we believe in the “Happy Camper” lifestyle, so we provide great facilities and opportunities for both those who want to relax and those who want to be more active and social. Great folks from all walks of life love to visit Camp A Way for a variety of reasons. Some like our great family atmosphere. Some love our beautiful trees. Some love our convenience to “all” the major highways in Nebraska. Some love our great location in one of the best cities in the World. All agree that Camp A Way staff go the extra mile to ensure guests have a great experience whatever reason the park was chosen.


Within Facility
Indoor Spa
Relax in the spa after a hard day any time of year, no matter what the weather.
Laugh, scream, and slide down our newest attraction.
Huge Dog Park
Our four-legged friends love to sniff, socialize, and chase balls in our off-leash park..
Heated Pool
Splash and enjoy the sun in our heated pool May thru September. Get a tan, do water aerobics, swim laps, or play catch.
Water Wars
Ready, aim, fire! Launch water balloons at your friends. Hit the targets to super-soak them with a Depth Charge. Protect your targets in the Redneck Shower or you’ll be cleaned out!
Full Hook-up RV Sites
Beautiful full hook-up campsites that can accommodate Pop-ups and Class Bs to Toy Haulers and Luxury Coaches.

Any and all photos on this listing were provided and approved by this business. Permissions were received to use these photos to promote the business.