• RV Parks
  • Acorn Oaks Campgrounds - Francesville, IN - RV Parks

Acorn Oaks Campgrounds - Francesville, IN - RV Parks

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Acorn Oaks Campgrounds
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Welcome to Acorn Campgournd

We have some storesites setup for winter use, for contractors working in the area or for people who are traveling through the area.
Seasonal passes can be started anytime during the season by simply pro-rating the pass until the end of the current season. Seasonal passes include, every weekend of the season, including 3-day weekends, plus 2 weeks vacation stay. Any other times stayed will be charged at regular rates. Seasonal pass also includes winter storage at no additional charge. We give 10% discount the 1st year.
We do rent the Hall to anyone who needs it for any kind of party.
The fee is $150.00 for four hours.
Additional hours $ 20.00/hr.
If you need the kitchen, it’s $ 25.00 extra charge.
The hours are 9:00 am until 11:00 pm, firm.
Charges begin at setup and ends with lights off after cleanup.
poolWe have a nice game room that includes two pool tables, one Ping-Pong table, a Foosball table, a pinball game, a crane game.
We have a very nice Camp Store that is open to the public. We stock our store with just about everything you could think of for camping. All kinds of food items for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. We also stock many other needful items, such as first-aid, cleaning, all kinds of items too numerous to mention.
We do sell firewood, ice, ice cream, bait and LP gas either by exchange or purchase whole tank.
In the future we will be able to refill all LP tanks here at the campground.


Within Facility
General Store (Open to the public)
We do sell ice, bait and firewood
Banquet Hall for reservations of all kinds
Game Room
Fishing Pond
Dump Station
Clean Restrooms & Showers
Playground, Basketball, Horeshoes & more!
Wagon rides (on busy weekends currently)

Any and all photos on this listing were provided and approved by this business. Permissions were received to use these photos to promote the business.