Great Seal State Park - Chillicothe, OH - Ohio State Parks

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Great Seal State Park
(Updated: May 04, 2018)
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Welcome to Great Seal State Park
Great Seal State Park is located just north of the town of Chillicothe and dedicated to the wilderness spirit of Ohio. The history of the Shawnee nation and Ohio's early statehood is centered in these rugged hills. Challenging trails through the 1,862-acre park take visitors to scenic vistas of distant ridgetops and the Scioto Valley below. These very hills are depicted on the Great Seal of the State of Ohio, from which the park gets its name. First depicted in 1803, the seal was often reconfigured until the present image was sanctioned by the Ohio General Assemble in 1967 and modified in 1996. In 1803, the law prescribed the sheaf of wheat to represent Ohio’s agricultural roots and the bundle of seventeen arrows to symbolize Ohio’s place as the seventeenth state in the Union. The range of hills seen in the background of the seal, include Mount Logan, as viewed from Thomas Worthington’s estate, Adena, now a state memorial.


Within Facility
15 non-electric sites
Camping is available to both horse and non-horse campers - Horse picket lines (tie lines) are located behind sites 1-10 - Sites 11 - 15 do not have the horse picket lines
Drinking water, vault latrines, playground, and a shelter house
Scenically located adjacent to Sugarloaf Mountain, offering a view of the Scioto Valley below
Pets are permitted
The campground closes from the beginning of December through the first week of March.

Disc Golf
An 18-hole course is located in the Ireland picnic area. Bring your own equipment, rental equipment is not available. No fee is charged to play.

Hunting is permitted in designated areas. A valid Ohio hunting license is required.

Four scenic picnic areas are located in separate areas on the park. Two shelterhouses may be reserved online or by calling (866) 644-6727.

23 total miles of trails, are available to hikers, mountain bikers, and equestrians. The terrain varies from steep to gently rolling. It is advised that horses and hikers be well conditioned for these trails. Mountain bikes are permitted on 17 miles of multiple use trails. The trails cross mostly wooded, hilly terrain with some steep inclines and ravines. These trails are best suited to advanced cyclists.

Nine multi-use trails are available:
Annie’s Mountain Bike Trail - 1 mile loop
Sugarloaf Mountain Trail (yellow) - 2.1 miles - climbs through dense maple-dominated forests to the crest of Sugarloaf - Rises almost 500 feet in less than a quarter mile
Bald Hill (black) - 1 mile
Sand Hill (pink) - 1 mile
Grouse Rock (red) - 0.6 miles
Rocky Knob (green) - 1.5 miles
Mt. Ives Trail (orange) - 6.4 miles - This strenuous trail winds along Mt. Ives and provides several scenic vistas
Rock Garden (green) - 1/2 mile
Lick Run (purple) - 2 miles
Bunker Hill (green) - 1.6 miles

Two trails are for hiking only:
Disc Golf (white) - 1.1 miles, 18 baskets
Spring Run (white) - 3.4 miles, includes 10 training stations with instructions
Shawnee Ridge Trail (blue) is 5 miles. It includes Bald Hill, Sand Hill and parts of Rocky Knob. Several steep sections are part of this forested trail.

Winter Recreation
Spring Run Trail may be used for cross-country skiing.

More to Do
Sand volleyball, basketball and horseshoe courts are located in day-use areas of the park
Playground equipment is also available for youngsters

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