Forest W Bo Wood Campground - Shelbyville, IL - National Parks

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Welcome to Forrest W. ''Bo'' Wood Recreation Area
A large campground on the northern shore of Lake Shelbyville in the heart of central Illinois. The lake and surrounding land offer outdoor activities for people of all ages, including fishing, swimming, picnicking and simply relaxing. This facility lies on the shoreline with a steep descent down to the water. Oak and hickory forests offer plenty of shade. Foliage turns a variety of red, orange, purple and yellow each fall, while prairie flowers dot the landscape in spring and summer.


Within Facility
Bo Wood is a large facility with more than 140 campsites that all provide electric hookups. For those without RVs, there are several tent-only sites. The campground has flush toilets, showers, a playground, dump station and a high-water boat ramp.

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