Big Meadows Campground Shenandoah National Forest - Luray, VA - National Parks

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Welcome to Big Meadows Campground
Secluded in the thick trees and rolling hills of Shenandoah National Park, the Big Meadows Campground is the ideal spot for an outdoors getaway. Shenandoah National Park spans 300 square miles of the Blue Ridge Mountains in the southern Appalachians. The park rises above the Virginia Piedmont to its east and the Shenandoah Valley to its west. The scenery at Meadows Campground has a stunning array of colors in the fall and a blanket of bright wildflowers in the spring. This green and shady campground is a wilderness paradise for outdoor enthusiasts. This expansive campground offers more than 200 campsites, including sites that can accommodate larger groups. Picnic areas are provided as are modern conveniences like flush toilets, showers and dump stations.


Within Facility
+ 200 Campsites
+ Picnic areas
+ Flush toilets | Showers | Laundry
+ Dump stations
+ Accessible Sites
+ Amphitheater
+ Firewood Vendor
+ Parking Area | Ranger Station
+ Scenic Drive
+ Located in Shenandoah National Park

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