Angelina National Forest - Zavalla, TX - National Parks

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Welcome to the Angelina National Forest
One of four National Forests in Texas. Located in the heart of east Texas, the 153,179-acre Angelina National Forest is located in Angelina, Nacogdoches, San Augustine and Jasper counties. The forest lies in the Neches River Basin and on the north and south shores of Sam Rayburn Reservoir, a 114,500-acre lake on the Angelina River formed by the construction of Sam Rayburn Dam in the early 1960's. The Angelina National Forest lies in the upper Gulf Coastal general plain province and the terrain is gently rolling. Longleaf pine is the predominant cover type in the southern portion, while loblolly and shortleaf pine are the dominant types in the rest of the forest. Summers in the Angelina National Forest are hot and humid and winters generally are short and mild. Average mid-summer temperatures in the forest range from the mid-80's to the mid-90's, with an average mid-winter temperature a mild 52 degrees. Rarely do temperatures in the forest drop to less than 10 degrees or rise above 110 degrees. The average annual rainfall is 46 inches.


Within Facility
To serve the increasing number of people who use the National Forests and Grasslands for sport and relaxation, visitors to the Angelina National Forest have a choice of several developed recreation areas for outdoor activities. Sam Rayburn Reservoir - In the middle of the Angelina National Forest lies Sam Rayburn Reservoir, noted for its fishing, pleasure boating and skiing. Fishermen are required to have a Texas fishing license and follow state regulations concerning water sports.
Two developed recreation areas, Caney Creek and Sandy Creek, offer recreation users camping, picnicking, boating and fishing on or near the shores of Sam Rayburn Reservoir. Caney Creek has a campfire theater for visitors. Additional boat ramps on the reservoir are available at Harvey Creek and Townsend Recreation Area (operated and maintained by San Augustine County - 936-275-2762-no showers) as well as at U.S. Army Corps of Engineer parks.
Bouton Lake - Boykin Springs - Sawmill Hiking Trail - Camping and fishing are favorites at Bouton Lake Recreation Area, built on a 12-acre natural lake near the Neches River. Boykin Springs Recreation Area, built in 1938 by the Civilian Conservation Corps, surrounds a 9-acre man-made spring-fed lake and offers recreation visitors camping, picnicking, swimming, fishing and canoeing in a scenic setting of longleaf pine. The 5 1/2-mile Sawmill Hiking Trail winds between Bouton Lake and Boykin Springs recreation areas, with a 3/4-mile spur near the middle portion of the trail leading to the abandoned Aldridge Sawmill site. Part of the trail follows an old tramway, used until 1920 to haul logs to the sawmills. Portions of old bridges and sawmill ruins can be seen at various points along the trail. A trail map is available at the District Ranger's office and at the trail head at Boykin Springs

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