Pocomoke River State Park - Snow Hill, MD - Maryland State Parks

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Welcome toPocomoke River State Park
The scenic Pocomoke River is the setting for the Pocomoke River State Park, Shad Landing, and Milburn Landing areas. Shad Landing is on the south side of the Pocomoke River off Route 113. Milburn Landing is on the north side of the river on Route 364. It is a 25 minute drive between the two areas of Pocomoke River State Park.  Located within the 15,000 wooded acres of Pocomoke State Forest in the Southwestern section of Worcester County the park provides a base for a vast array of outdoor and tourist activities. The forest is famous for its stand of loblolly pine and for its cypress swamps which border the wild and scenic Pocomoke River. Pocomoke means black water, and there is good fishing in these waters. The river originates in the Great Cypress Swamp in Delaware and flows southwesterly 45 miles to the Chesapeake Bay.The park's combination of swamp and upland offers visitors the opportunity to view a great variety of plant and animal life, including white dogwood and pink laurel in the spring, river otters and bald eagles, and over 50 species of fish.


Within Facility
Bath House
Boat Launch
Boat Rental
Dump Station
Fire Ring With Grill
Fire Rings
Handicap Access
Hot Showers
Information Center
Interpretive Walks, Self
Nature Center
Picnic Tables
Potable Water
Public Boat Ramp With Accessible Fishing -Pier
Recreation Programs
Swimming Pool

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