Blue Licks Battlefield State Resort Park - Carlisle, KY - Kentucky State Parks

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Blue Licks Battlefield State Resort Park
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Welcome to Blue Licks Battlefield State Resort Park
Throughout history, the salt springs at Blue Licks State Park have attracted prehistoric animals, Indians and pioneers such as the legendary Daniel Boone. Many 19th-century southerners came to the area seeking the rejuvenation of the therapeutic, bubbling waters. Blue Licks is more widely known, however, as the site of the last Revolutionary War battle in Kentucky. In 1782, Kentuckians engaged Indians and British soldiers near the Licking River. Outnumbered, Kentucky suffered great losses, including one of Boone's sons. Boone's words, "Enough of honour cannot be paid," are inscribed on the monument dedicated to the fallen soldiers in the Battle of Blue Licks. Walking, hiking, enjoying the museum, and swimming are just a few ways to enjoy this historically significant park.


Within Facility
Spring is a good time for viewing Snipe, Solitary Sandpipers, and Killdeer. Summer is the best time for viewing several species of hawks such as Sharp-shinned, Cooper’s, Broad-winged, Red-tailed and the American Kestrel. Both Spring and Fall are fantastic times to see migrating warblers. Along the Licking River ravines are excellent for watching wood ducks, migratory and nesting Emberizidae Parulinae such as Prothonotary and Cerulean Warblers, and both wood thrushes Acadian and flycatchers. Red-headed woodpeckers are frequently seen across HW 68 on the Heritage Trail as well as Warbling Vireos.

Free boat access to the Licking River.
Guided canoe trips offered Memorial Day through Labor Day. Call for availability.

Enjoy the great outdoors at the campground, featuring 51 sites with utility hookups, a dump station and a central service building with showers and rest rooms. Campground closed from November 1 to March 31. Pets allowed if restrained.

Gift Shop
We are proud to offer a very unique selection of KY handcrafted products at our lodge gift shop, many of which are locally made. High quality pottery from six unique Kentucky artisans can be found throughout the shop, along with handcrafted baskets, lavender fragrances, punched-tin prints, note cards, painted gourds, soaps, walking sticks and a large selection of books and cookbooks by Kentucky authors. Kentucky food products include salsa, jams, mustards, hot sauces and a wide variety of sweets.

• Buffalo Trace (.15 mile) - is where the trampled remains are of an ancient buffalo path. • The Licking River Trail (1 mile) • Savannah Loop (0.5 mile) • Indian Loop Trail (0.8 mile) • The Heritage Trail (2.5 mile). • The River Trail is a one-mile loop trail to the Licking River, near the site where Daniel Boone and his men were captured by Shawnee Indians on a saltmaking expedition.

Miniature Golf
Our 18-hole, miniature golf course is perfect for family entertainment. The mini-golf course is open seasonally (weekends only after Aug. 7th through Oct. 30th) and dependent upon weather so please call ahead for hours of operation.

Learn more about the fascinating history of Blue Licks in the Pioneer Museum. Enjoy a short video presentation and examine mastodon bones, Native American and Kentucky pioneer artifacts.
Open Friday 12 - 5 p.m.
Saturday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Sunday 12 - 5 p.m.

Two picnic shelters (one with rest rooms), are available for rental up to two years in advance. Tables, grills, and playgrounds are located throughout the park for a great picnic outing.

Children's playground located near the mini golf course and picnic shelter.

A junior-Olympic size community pool is a great place to meet friends during the summer.
Ask about summer pool party rentals Memorial Day through Labor Day.
Open weekends ONLY after August 7
Open Aug. 13 & 14, Aug. 20 & 21, Aug. 27 & 28 and Sept. 3 & 4.

Wildflower Viewing
Blue Licks is home to the federally-endangered Short’s Goldenrod. This plant is protected in the 15-acre nature preserve at Blue Licks. Short’s Goldenrod is historically linked to the Buffalo Trace hiking trail-the trampled remains of an ancient buffalo path.

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