Whitewater Memorial State Park - Liberty, IN - Indiana State Parks

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Whitewater Memorial State Park
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Welcome to Whitewater Memorial State Park
A part of the Brookville Lake-Whitewater Memorial State Park Complex, Whitewater Memorial State Park is a great family getaway because of its 200-acre Whitewater Lake, access to Brookville Reservoir, and other recreational facilities. Shoreline hiking, flat-water boating, swimming, fishing and camping opportunities are abundant around the man-made lake. The access to Brookville Reservoir provides many opportunities for seeing migrating flocks of birds. Whitewater Memorial State Park boasts 9 miles of horseback riding trails with access both for day users and from the horsemen’s campground. The saddle barn concessionaire offers hayrides, guided trail rides, and sleigh rides, weather permitting. The land for the park was originally purchased by the surrounding counties of Union, Fayette, Franklin and Wayne as a memorial to the men and women who served in World War II. It became the 16th park in the Indiana State Park system in 1949.


Within Facility
Picnic areas w/shelters (Shelter Reservations)
Interpretive Naturalist Services (Seasonal)
2 Boat Launch Ramps -
1 Whitewater Lake, 1 Brookville Lake
Boat Motor at Brookville Lake / Electric trolling only at Whitewater Lake
Bridle Trails
Cabins, Housekeeping
Fishing / Ice Fishing
Hiking Trails
Rental-Canoe, Paddleboat, Rowboat
Swimming / Beach
Saddle Barn with escorted rides
Barton's Bay Marine
Kent's Harbor Marina

Electric - 236 sites
Non-electric - 45 sites
Horsemen's primitive - 37 sites
Youth Tent Areas
Dumping Station
Camp Store

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