White Pines Forest State Park - Mt Morris, IL - Illinois State Parks

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White Pines Forest State Park
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Welcome to White Pines Forest State Park
Looking to spend a night under the stars? White Pines has 103 class B/S campsites with vehicular access and a shower/flush toilet building. There are 3 electric hook-up sites which are non-reservable. There are also sites available for the physically challenged. Soft ground conditions may sometimes close campgrounds during the months of March and April. Call ahead during those times to check the status. Campsites may be reserved by visiting the ReserveAmerica website at www.reserveamerica.com. Availability is generally not a problem aside from holiday weekends.There is an alcohol ban in the campground all year around. Camping rates are $10 a night per site. Limitations on a site are 4 adults or 1 family per site, 2 tents per site and 2 vehicles per site. Each site has a fire ring and a picnic table.


Within Facility
White Pines Forest lies in the heart of Black Hawk Indian country and is rich in historic accounts of the warriors who resisted the efforts of settlers to drive them from the beloved Rock River valley.
When early settlers arrived, they found this 700-acre forest of untouched pine extending for 1/4 mile along the east bank of Pine Creek.

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