Argyle Lake State Park - Colchester, IL - Illinois State Parks

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Welcome to Argyle Lake State Park
Known as a fisherman's delight, Argyle Lake State Park has a full complement of recreational opportunities. Just 7 miles from Macomb, Argyle Lake also offers picnicking, camping, hiking and boating facilities in a scenic, natural setting. With its 93-acre lake for boating and fishing, 5 miles of rugged foot trails through luxuriant virgin forests and full-service campgrounds, this heavily wooded, 1,700-acre site is the ideal place to spend a day, a weekend or longer.


Within Facility
Archery Range
Electric Sites
Dump Station
Equestrian Trails
Hiking Trails
Metal Detecting
Mountain Bike Trails
SCUBA Diving
Shelter Reservations
Snowmobile Trails

Any and all photos on this listing were provided and approved by this business. Permissions were received to use these photos to promote the business.