Providence Canyon State Outdoor Recreation Area - Lumpkin, GA - Georgia State Parks

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Welcome to Providence Canyon State Outdoor Recreation Area
Georgia’s “Little Grand Canyon” is a testament to the power of man’s influence on the land. Massive gullies as deep as 150 feet were caused simply by poor farming practices during the 1800s, yet today they make some of the prettiest photographs within the state. The rare Plumleaf Azalea grows only in this region and blooms during July and August when most azaleas have lost their color. The canyon soil’s pink, orange, red and purple hues make a beautiful natural painting at this quiet park. Visitors can enjoy views of the canyons from the rim trail, taking care to stay behind fences and off the fragile canyon edge. Hikers who explore the deepest canyons will usually find a thin layer of water along the trail, indication of the water table below.


Within Facility
1,003 Acres
2 Picnic Shelters ($40)
2 Pioneer Campsites ($40)
6 Backcountry Campsites ($10/person)
Interpretive Center -- open weekends seasonally
Hiking - 3 miles of trails, part of the Canyon Climbers Club (get cards punched at nearby Florence Marina State Park)
Backpacking - 7-mile backcountry trail
Astronomy and geology programs

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