Tomoka State Park - Ormond Beach, FL - Florida State Parks

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Tomoka State Park
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Welcome to Tomoka State Park 
Native Americans once dwelled here, living off fish-filled lagoons. Today, these waters are popular for canoeing, boating, and fishing. The park protects a variety of wildlife habitats and endangered species, such as the West Indian manatee. Tomoka is a bird-watcher's paradise, with over 160 species sighted, especially during the spring and fall migrations. Visitors can stroll a one-half mile nature trail through a hardwood hammock that was once an indigo field for an 18th century British landowner. A boat ramp gives boaters and canoeists access to the river. The Park Store offers snacks, camping supplies, and canoe rentals. Contact 386-673-0022 for more information. For overnight stays, the park has full-facility campsites and youth camping. Located three miles north of Ormond Beach on North Beach Street. Whether you are camping, hiking or boating, Tomoka State Park offers the right place to get together with friends or family and take that perfect photo of a lifetime. The Oak Pavilion Area has a volley ball court, pavilition for picnicking and a view of the Tomoka River.   It's the perfect time for kayaking and canoeing the Tomoka River and it's serene basin backwaters. Bring a fishing rod and a picnic lunch to get away to a quiet and nature filled afternoon. For local visitors the park has many opportunities to volunteer, please contact the park office is you are interested. Tomoka State Park is the perfect place to bring your family and make memories!


Within Facility
Boat Ramp
Camping, Full Facility
Camping, Youth
Canoeing & Kayaking
Hiking/Nature Trail
Interpretive Exhibit
Meetings & Retreats
Picnic Pavilion
Restroom Facilities
Wildlife Viewing

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