Edward Ball Wakulla Springs State Park - Wakulla Springs, FL - Florida State Parks

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Welcome to Edward Ball Wakulla Springs State Park
Home of one of the largest and deepest freshwater springs in the world, this park plays host to an abundance of wildlife, including alligators, turtles, deer, and birds. Daily guided riverboat tours provide a closer view of wildlife, and glass bottom boat tours are offered when the water is clear. Swimming is a popular activity during the hot summer months.
A nature trail offers a leisurely walk along the upland wooded areas of the park. The Wakulla Springs Lodge was built in 1937 by financier Edward Ball and is open year-round. A full-service dining room overlooks the spring; lodge meeting facilities offer an excellent place for retreats. Wakulla Springs State Park and Lodge is listed on the National Register of Historic Places and is designated as a National Natural Landmark.


Within Facility
Boat Tours
Concession & Restaurant
Family Reunions
Hiking/Nature Trail
Historic Site
Interpretive Exhibit
Meetings & Retreats
Showers, Day Visitors
Wildlife Viewing

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