Allen David Broussard Catfish Creek Preserve State Park - Haines City, FL - Florida State Parks

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Welcome to Allen David Broussard Catfish Creek Preserve State Park
Located along the beautiful Lake Wales Ridge, Allen David Broussard Catfish Creek Preserve State Park, covers more than 8,000 acres of scrub, sandhill and flatwoods land, in addition to 65 acres of submerged land. The preserve offers six miles of hiking trails, seven miles of equestrian trails, a covered pavilion, fishing and excellent wildlife viewing opportunities. The preserve is home to numerous rare plants, such as scrub morning glory, scrub plum, pygmy fringe tree and cutthroat grass and several protected animal species including Florida scrub-jays, bald eagles, gopher tortoises and Florida scrub lizards. When you visit the preserve make sure you are prepared for the rugged conditions typical of the scrub habitat. Bring plenty of water and be prepared for the challenging trails at the park. Enjoy your visit and bring back memories of one of the rarer habitats in Florida. Along the hiking trails at Catfish Creek one may see the endangered Florida scrub jay, which is endemic to the scrub habitats of Florida. As you meander along the trails at catfish you will be surrounded by some of the rarest scrub habitat in the world. This habitat is home to numerous listed species such as the pygmy fringe tree, cutthroat grass, gopher tortoise, and the Florida panther. So keep a sharp eye for these listed critters and plants.


Within Facility
+Camping, Primitive
+Hiking/Nature Trail
+Horse/Equestrian Trail
+Wildlife Viewing

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