Woodland Park Campground - Grand Marais, MI - County / City Parks

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Welcome to Woodland Park Campground
For more than half a century campers have been calling Woodland Park their second home.  Situated on the shore of Lake Superior, the park is only three blocks from the main business area of Grand Marais; three blocks from the local marina; four blocks from sandy swimming beaches; a half mile from the best whitefish sport-fishing in the state of Michigan; adjacent to the Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore; and only steps from agate beaches that keep rock-hounds coming back year after year.


Within Facility
All sites with water and electric have 50 amp service and cable
fully equipped bathhouses
laundry facilities
play areas for children
beach access from both ends of the park
gray water and sewage dump stations
drinking water fill station

Any and all photos on this listing were provided and approved by this business. Permissions were received to use these photos to promote the business.