WA Ni Village Resort - Rutledge, TN - County / City Parks

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Welcome to Cherokee Lake
A popular destination, the shoreline of Cherokee Lake includes boat docks, resorts, parks, picnic areas, public access areas, a wildlife management area and campgrounds. The lake, which is known for crappie, sunfish, black bass, sauger, walleye and many usual rough-fish species, draws fishermen from across the country.
Camping is very popular around the lake. One of the most popular locations is Panther Creek State Park. This is a beautiful state park with some of the best hiking and biking trails you will find on Cherokee Lake.


Within Facility
TVA created Cherokee Dam during the World War II emergency to create hydroelectric energy. Since its creation, it has also served among the reservoirs that have helped aid in flood management during the last 75 years. The lake itself consists of 28,780 acres of water surface, which has 400 miles of shoreline. Cherokee Dam has a recreational area including picnic tables, restroom facilities and swimming and fishing areas. People can also walk across a large section of the mile-long dam. A campground is also located on the lands.

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