Meadowbrook Park - Tiffin, OH - County / City Parks

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Contact Info

Summer Office Hours (May 15 to Sept 15) 9:00 AM to 8:00 PM Daily
Winter Office Hours (Sept 16 to May 14) 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Monday thru Friday
Welcome to Meadowbrook Park
A long-standing destination in the Seneca County region, Meadowbrook Park continues to maintain a spot for vacationers. The park is a 130 acre family recreation oriented park that includes camping, swimming, picnic areas and children’s playground. There is a court area that includes tennis, basketball, and roller hockey courts. A sand volleyball court and softball diamond is across from the pool area. There is also has a giant chess and/or checker board and a horseshoe court. Meadowbrook has an 18 hole disc golf course that intertwines with the park features. Meadowbrook is the home of the Historic Redwood Ballroom, which dates back to 1933. The Ballroom has a rich history of providing recreation for generations from its beginning as a Dance Hall and continues to be “the” iconic wedding site for the surrounding region. The Ballroom has kept up with the times and is air-conditioned as well as handicapped accessible. It also hosts many charitable events throughout the year for various groups.


Within Facility
Swimming Pool
Bocce Ball
Gaga Ball Pitt
Disc Golf
Checkers and Chess
Tennis Courts
Basketball Court
Sand Volleyball
Baseball Diamond
Swimming Pool
Foot Trails
Honey Wagon Service

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