Astico Dodge County Park - Columbus, WI - County / City Parks

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Astico Dodge County Park
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Contact Info

Welcome to Astico Park
Astico Park, 100 Acres, consists of developed and natural areas on the historic Danville Mill Pond of the Crawfish River about 3 miles east of the City of Columbus in the southwestern part of Dodge County. The park is split by the river and now connected by the relocated historic Ninabuck and Scofield Bridges. The main park entrance is just south of Hwy 60 at N3620 Hwy TT. The park features 70 river’s edge and upland campsites including riverside campsites with 50 amp service available, Astico Castle Playground, a restroom/shower facility, a dump station, picnic areas and shelters, shoreline and wooded hiking trails, large open play fields and an expansive river shoreline which provides good canoeing and fishing opportunities in a scenic setting. Canoe launch and canoe/kayak rentals available. The park is open year round with limited access in winter depending on conditions. Primitive camping in winter is subject to site accessibility.


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For Park Reservations or Information
(920) 386-3700 x1

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