We would like to invite all RV Clubs, Organizations, RV Affiliated Associations, National/Statewide Associations, Event Promoters and Rally Organizers to register with RVpoints.com to promote your events and activities for your group. By becoming an RVpoints.com member you will be invited to join our Social Network "Campfire" and will have access to our Blogs forum so that your events and rallies will have an easily searchable location for your participants to obtain important information in regards to upcoming events and calendars. Furthermore, on our social network site "Campfire" you can upload photos and videos of your planned events to share with anyone that may have an interest in hearing about your upcoming events. Additionally RVpoints.com is also about earning points for future travels with your participants and organizations having the added benefit to earn points at our participating Featured Parks for your groups stays to be used in the future at participating Featured Parks.