Bladon Springs State Park - Bladon Springs, AL - Alabama State Parks

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1 review
Bladon Springs State Park
(Updated: March 20, 2018)
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Bladon Springs State Park
Opened as a private spa in 1838, visitors to Bladon Springs traveled from all over the country to benefit from the "curing" properties of the park's four mineral wells. In 1846, a large Greek Revival hotle was built to accomodate the influx of visitors. This health resort was once called the "Saratoga of the South" and remianed open through the Civil War. The State of Alabama purchased the property in 1934 and converted the location to a state park. Bladon Springs is open 7 days a week from 8am to sundown.  If anyone has questions they can call the office of Choctaw County. While the resort hotel is gone, visitors to Bladon Springs State Park can still refresh themselves in the tranquility of this rural location. Peace and quiet are hallmarks of this forested setting making it an excellent camping and wildlife viewing location. Birders will also love Bladon Springs, which is stop on Alabama’s Black Belt Birding Trail. Expect to see a wide variety of song birds, wood peckers and raptors.


Within Facility
+ 10 Campsites
+ Each site has water, 30 amp electricity, sewer connections
+ Picnic tables and grills
+ Restrooms are available but there are no shower facilities

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