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  • 49er RV Ranch - Columbia, CA - RV Parks

49er RV Ranch - Columbia, CA - RV Parks

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Contact Info

Welcome to 49er RV Ranch
Weather this is your first experience at the 49er RV Ranch, or another of many, venturing out into our local and surrounding areas, provides a taste of the wonderful flavors and cultures that are so abundant in the Sierra foothills. The Ranch is proud to guarantee twice as much to enjoy as you have time for. History abounds in the nearby Mother Lode communities of Sonora, Columbia, Jamestown, Murphy's, and you can celebrate Mark Twain's famous Jumping Frog of Calaveras County in Angels Camp. Plan a day trip to Yosemite National Park, breath taking Lake Tahoe, or California's State Capitol of Sacramento.  Attractions, Columbia State Historic Park (a preserved living gold rush town, twice declared our honorary State Capitol), Railtown 1897 State Historic Park (steam train rides and museum), Calaveras Big Trees State Park with its grove of Giant Sequoias, Indian Grinding Rock State Historic Park, 3 Live Theaters , 12 Wineries, Black Oak Casino gaming, World-Class skiing (2) and a 10 screen Movie Theater.


Within Facility
+ Full hookups at every site
+ 30/50 Amp Service
+ Cable TV
+ Free WiFi
+ Laundry Room
+ Showers / Restrooms
+ Three Meeting Rooms
+ Hospitality Center
+ Country Store
+ Propane Service

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